Are you Alice?Chapter 72
Action Drama

After throwing away his dreams, a boy wanders into "Wonderland" and holds the name of "Alice," which is the primary requirement in the "Game to kill the White Rabbit." In a crazy story where common sense does not apply and everything is bound by the rules of the game and the orders of the Queen of Hearts, Alice decides to take the gun in his hand.

Are You Alice? (Official)Chapter 71
Action Drama

A boy who has discarded all his dreams loses his way in 'Wonderland', where he discovers that he possesses the name of 'Alice', one that is vital to the 'Kill the White Rabbit Game'. In this mad tale, common sense is out the window, and all are bound by both the rules of the 'game' and the commands of the Queen of Hearts. Amidst the insanity, Alice decides to pick up a cold, glittering gun and shoot his way to his own identity.